Empowering Missionaries | Ecuador 2019
Daily Video Updates
You Can Donate Here
(Prefer to donate tax-deducitble? Click Here)
You can donate directly via PayPal (You do not need a paypal account).
We Make Giving Fun! Donate to our trip and challenge us to a Truth or Dare! See all dares below.
Facebook Page
Almost all of our content will be on our Facebook page. Don’t have a Facebook page? No worries, you can still view here. Waiting for a Facebook Live video? If it isn’t the first thing you see you may have to refresh every couple minutes.
Welcome To Ecuador 2019!
Whether you’ve already joined or are considering joining our Empowering Hope team, we’re very thankful for you!
1. This trip will be to film two sets of missionaries who run Children’s Homes in Shell, Ecuador. These videos help bring AWARENESS to their ministry, increase CONNECTION, and raise SUPPORT.
2. We do not charge the missionaries any money but raise support for each trip we take so the burden does not fall on the missionary.
3. We raise support two ways:
From regular donors. Each person that donates receives a special Producer credit per donation. When you donate up to $99 we give you a producer credit in the Video Updates. When you donate $100+ you receive an Executive Producer credit.
Through sponsors. Sponsors receive special credits at the beginning and end (Like This) of daily updates. We also invest 5% of your donation back into you through a Facebook ad that targets your location and brand audience. The cost to be a sponsor is $200.
We make giving fun!
You can donate directly via PayPal (You do not need a paypal account).
Donate A Number From The Giving Board
If all these numbers are taken off the board we will have raised our budget and will have enough left over to donate to the missionaries. We’ve now opened it up that anyone who gives on the Giving board can challenge Justin & Lauren to a dare.

Become A Producer
Everyone who donates, whether it’s on the giving board or not, will receive a Producer credit in the Video Updates. Donations up to $99 receive a Producer credit and donations of $100+ receive an Executive Producer credit. The ways to donate are below.
You can donate directly via PayPal (You do not need a paypal account).
You can send a check to:
Justin Boothby
512 6th St.
Oakmont, Pa 15139
CLICK HERE to learn how to donate tax-deductible.