Missionaries aren’t just buckets to drop money into, but rather people to partner with.

You are so valuable to the Kingdom and so are the missionaries. When you partner with them, you aren’t just helping their ministry, you are actively building the Kingdom of God here on earth. And yes, it can be as simple as posting on social media. 

Ways You Can Help

There are many different ways you can partner with missionaries. Below are some suggestions but we are open to other ways you’d like to serve them.


Are you a certified Life Coach or have experience as a Pastor? Missionaries are in need of people to come alongside them to help them acheive their ministry goals. 

Social Media

Do you know how to use social media? Helping a missionary post content will take a huge burden off their shoulders and help them increase their awareness and connection.

Prayer Partner

Are you someone who loves to pray and intercede for others? You are exactly the person we and the missionaries are looking for. Prayer is the most essential element of ministry.

Financial Parter

Is giving one of your spiritual gifts? These missionaries live completely off of donations from amazing people like you! Becoming a financial partner goes farther than a one time gift.

Grapic Design

Do you love designing graphics or adding text to images? Missionaries are always looking for quality content to share on their social media pages and to the churches that support them.


This is how Empowering Hope started. Having quality videos to show to their donors and social media is so important in this age of video. If you know how to edit videos, we’d love to talk to you!

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About Us

After traveling and being a part of different cultures and meeting different missionaries, we wanted to be a connection bridge from Missionaries abroad with Churches and Ministries back home.